Tobacco Wiki

Why should a person start smoking?

All over the Internet, the newspapers, televisions and other media sources, you will see that smoking is harmful for your health. So, why do peope start smoking?

What are the problems caused by smoking?[]

The major problem smoking will do to you is damage to your health.

Health risks[]

You know probably very well that smoking can cause lung cancer and many diseases. However, these problems occur at some age. So, if you are 20 and decide to start smoking, expect problems to occur when you are 40 or 50. This is not a rule. Some smokers might live their entire lives and die of old age or from completely different problems (like a car accident). In other cases, health problems might occur much sooner. 2 out of 3 smokers dies due to smoking-related diseases.


If you are not a rich person and cigarettes are expensive in your area, there might be a major problem. This is the main problem smoking can do to you. At some point, you might give money from your food and eat less, to buy cigarettes. This will weaken your body and expose yourself to many diseases. Smoking have some bad effects on your health, but if you combine them with a bad alimentation, it can be a real hazard to yourself. Also, it can affect your family.


Why do people start smoking? Some smoke for pleasure, some do this because they are nervous people and most because their friends do so. On the long term, however, everyone keeps smoking because they are addicted

Why people start smoking[]

Pleasure of smoking. For a smoker, smoking is something pleasant. It is relaxing. Some people enjoy the taste of it, some only enjoy the effects of nicotine and others love to see how they puff clouds of smoke in the air.

It is sexy. There is something called smoking fetish. Some people (usually males) are attracted by smoking people. This is what motivated so many people to create smoking videos on youtube and why those videos have a high number of visitors. However, there are also many women who enjoy watching smoking videos of men.

A glimpse of freedom. Among women, smoking appeared in the 20's as more and more women wished to show their desire to be independent and have equal rights with men. Today, we see the same movement among the Arab world, where women are still discriminated. Smoking is usually associated with a bad and rebel temper, but there are also many innocent people who smoke.

Changing your behaviour[]

Under the effect of nicotine and other substances found in cigarette smoke, some things can change to your behaviour. What are the effects of nicotine on your brain? Depending on dose, they are as follows:

  1. At a low dose, nicotine increases your ability to focus. This means that you will be able to pay attention to important things. Also, it reduces noise of your brain. The noise is made of non-important or imaginary things. However, if the noise is too strong, stronger then the main things you try to focus on, the effects will be opposite.
  2. At a higher dose, nicotine is relaxing. It calms down your anger.
  3. When the dose is even higher, the effect is somehow similar with alcohol, only that you don't get drunk. You become unable to focus (for example, at a difficult math exercise), your feelings are less strong, but still you are awake (and not drunk) and your reflexes are almost the same.

Nicotine after a trauma. Some people start smoking (for the first time or start again) after something bad happened to them (for example, the death of someone important). Smoking can have a healing effect on that person. Smoking can put you on an equilibrium state. And while anti-depressive medication is more recent and not so well studied, the effects of smoking are well known and nicotine has been tested for centuries.

Nervous people. Some people tend to become angry almost from nothing. In those moments, they reach an incredible level of stress. For them, smoking can help, although there are always better ways to do so.

Smoking versus alcohol and drugs[]

Now, let's compare the effects of smoking to other drugs.

Alcohol. In small amounts, alcohol consumption is not harmful. However, in high amounts, it has a really bad effect on you. Smoking strongly affects your pocket money and your health. Drinking a lot will affect not only your money and your health, but also your reputation and your family.

Drugs. Smoking is way more dangerous than drug abuse. Smoking is among the most dangerous en addictive drugs that exist.

Weight improvement[]

It is known that many people who start smoking lose appetite . Also, when they stop smoking, their appetite comes back..

Further reading[]

Nicotine Therapy
